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If you recruit in Vietnam - A must! Information every international student office should have!

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PART I:  Recorded - FREE
Overview of the unique visa and recruitment challenges and possibilities in Vietnam.  Introduction and Overview by Zepur Solakian and Visa Overview by Cody Titensor, an independent education consultant and former FSO/Visa Officer for Vietnam.


Part 1:  Overview
Cody Titensor headshot.jpg
Zepur Solakian:
Executive Director 
Zeps profile pic.jpg

PART II:  Recorded
Do's & Don'ts of visas: Community College perspective.  What colleges need to do to improve visa approvals for their students.  From managing their on-campus international students to vetting applicants, community colleges can take actions to help improve successful market access and visa application approvals.


PART III: Recorded

Do's & Don'ts of visas: Student perspective.  How colleges should advise students to improve visa approvals.  Community colleges can provide practical guidance to help qualified students attain visa approvals, including understanding the student-visa environment in Vietnam.


WEBINARS Series PART I,II & III for only $55!

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