Center for Global Advancement
of Community Colleges

Benefits to Universities​
Reach international students on their favorite devices!
Opportunity to reach out to thousands of international students studying at USA community colleges
Most targeted recruitment strategy
Highest Return on Investment (ROI)
Connection to students at community colleges
Transfer Friendly University List
2+2 Website
University E-Profile
2 Virtual Transfer Fairs

See what universities are saying about our fairs

October 28th, 2022
April 28th, 2023
Fall 2022 UVTF
registration must be received by
October 10th - 2022
All material in by 10/15/22
Spring 2023 UVTF
registration must be received by
April 1st - 2023
All material in by 4/15/23
​ 4 ways to connect with students:
Special 2+2 University Transfer Website for students distributed at orientation which provides a university with great exposure.
2+2 E-Profiles pages highlighting information that students seek, transfer options to universities, scholarships, special programs, contacts, deadlines, college video and required application processes. (see below)
Two Virtual Transfer Fairs Yearly accessing international students at over 80 plus community colleges throughout the United States. Participating universities will have a specially-branded booth with a one-page profile highlighting information that students seek, college videos and application processes.
NEW - how to apply library that will be promoted all over the world and well as to all community colleges in the U.S.
NEW Community College HUB website that universities can be listed on starting in September 2022.